الثلاثاء، 15 مايو 2012

ThemeForest – Fluxglide Complete HTML5 Website with Shop and CMS 2012

ThemeForest – Fluxglide Complete HTML5 Website with Shop and CMS 2012

This is a complete website template that can be used for anything between a simple presentation site and a fully fledged e-commerce site with tons of articles and blog posts.

Using the latest HTML5 and CSS3 technologies in conjunction with an elegant minimalist design ensures that any site based on this template will make an impact.
Key Features

Clean, bespoke, minimalist design that allows the site theme/niche to be changed just by well chosen background images
SEO and Mobile Friendly
Custom font is in woff format so it can easily be changed to any another font via a woff generator
The Photoshop .PSD designs are included
HTML5 and CSS3 powered



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