الأربعاء، 16 مايو 2012

This is very clean, simple, modern and fresh Joomla template

TF v1.2 J1.5 and J1.6 RETAIL
This is very clean, simple, modern and fresh Joomla template
115 MB | psd + help files + css + images + HTML
This is very clean, simple, modern and fresh Joomla template. Designed specifically to meet to many kinds of business projects. It comes with powerful T3 Joomlart Framework, best and selected extentions.
10 color options
4 Menu options: Split menu, Css menu, Dropline menu, Mega menu
Amazing Slideshow Modules
Various Module Positions
Various Layout Column
Layered PSD FIles Included
Quickstart package included
All Installed Extensions (Components, Modules, Plugin) Included
Well Documented
Cross Browser Support
Outstanding Newsletter Module
Contact page with Google Map
Support Google Fonts configuration
Inbuilt CSS and javascript Compression
Running on T3 Framework Version 2
Both of Joomla 1.6.x and Joomla 1.5.x compatible
K2 Support
Custom Search Result in Joomla 1.5
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TF v1.2 J1.5 and J1.6 RETAIL

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